Notre offre produits propose des solutions pour presque tous types de projets d'exploitation minière et d'excavation de roche. Notre gamme d’équipements et de services pour l'exploitation minière et l'excavation de roche est étudiée afin de maximiser votre productivité et votre rentabilité. Notre expertise se fonde sur des décennies de collaboration avec nos clients et tous nos produits bénéficient de notre réseau mondial pour la fourniture de maintenance sur site, de formation et d’un soutien 24 h/24. N’hésitez pas à Nous contacter pour tout conseil sur le choix d’un produit ou pour un besoin d’assistance technique.
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Gundrill Regrinding Machine - Precihole
Precihole’s Gun Drill Regrinding Machines are built for precise resharpening of gun drills in a single setup. These machines are versatile and improve
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Single flute gundrills - Botek USA
MS 12-3 Multi-station grinding machine for highly efficient grinding of large batches of tools with the same point geometry. The machine is suitable for tool diameters from 1.850 mm to 12.000
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Gundrill Regrinding Machine - Deep Hole Drilling - YouTube
2020.1.17 Precihole’s Gun Drill Regrinding Machines are built for precise resharpening of gun drills in a single setup. These machines are versatile and improve turnover for
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DeHoff 20 Series Gundrilling Machines Kays Engineering
Each 20 Series machine includes our robust coolant system and a Microsoft Windows®-based controls package. Various fixturing options and workpiece counter rotation are also available.
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Gundrilling Machines Precision Machines for Deep
Gundrilling machines from UNISIG allow manufacturers to maximize the potential of gundrilling tools, to meet deep hole drilling tolerances with confidence.
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Deep Hole Drilling Machines - Precision Gundrilling
UNISIG brings powerful and intuitive deep hole drilling machine capability to our industry-leading customers worldwide. Machines are engineered to handle a range of applications with confidence, supported by our high service and
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Gundrilling Machine Overview - UNISIG Deep Hole
Learn how gundrilling machines from UNISIG can produce deep holes with high precision and efficiency. Explore the features and benefits of different models and applications.
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Gundrill Resharping machine, gundrill grinding
Our gundrill grinder is a complete solution, allowing operators to achieve precise, repeatable gundrill tip grinding and profiling on your shop floor, with precision grinding and top-class measurement in one. The Grinder System.
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Gundrill Grinding Machine - YouTube
2022.9.16 HTT's Gun Drill Regrinding Machines are built for precise resharpening of gun drills in a single setup.
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