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- mining dust effect on plants
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Environmental hazards posed by mine dust, and monitoring
2023.3.15 For the environment, mine dust pollution is considered a major threat on surface vegetation, landscapes, weather conditions and air quality, leading to serious
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Dust-related impacts of mining operations on rangeland
2021.7.8 The direct and indirect effects on plant growth and health from mining impacts generally decreased linearly with increasing distance from the mine, up to at least 600 m. Our
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2019.9.25 Dust can impact plants directly by covering aboveground parts of th e vegetation or indirectly over the soil and the root systems. Apart fr om the pure size of the dust particle the...
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The effects of dust on vegetation—a review - ScienceDirect
1993.1.1 An increase in quarrying, open-cast mining and road traffic suggest that dust deposition onto vegetation may be increasing. This review describes the physical and
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Study on Spectral Response and Estimation of
2020.6.24 Accurate monitoring of plant dust retention can provide a basis for dust pollution control and environmental protection. The aims of this study were to analyze the spectral response features of grassland plants to mining
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Annual dust pollution characteristics and its prevention and
2022.6.15 Dust pollution is a critical challenge in achieving green mining of open-pit coal mines. The scientific basis for dust prevention and management hinges on a thorough
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Impacts of dust on plant health, survivorship and plant
2016.2.25 There is a general perception that dust accumulation on plant surfaces causes negative impacts to plants. Consequently, it is common for environmental regulatory
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Using Hyperspectral Indices to Measure the Effect of Mine Dust on
Abstract To examine the influence of coal dust from mining on vegetative growth, three typical plants from near an open-pit coalmine in an arid region were selected, and their spectral
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(PDF) Impacts of dust on plant health, survivorship and
2016.2.1 There is a general perception that dust accumulation on plant surfaces causes negative impacts to plants. Consequently, it is common for environmental regulatory agencies to apply...
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