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- phosphate fertilizers
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Phosphorus Fertilizers - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Phosphorus fertilizers are the main input of inorganic phosphorus in agricultural soils and approximately 70%–80% of phosphorus in cultivated soils is inorganic (Foth, 1990 ). Phosphorus in fertilizers is converted to water-soluble inorganic phosphate as orthophosphate ions and
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Towards optimal use of phosphorus fertiliser - Nature
2020.10.20 Because phosphorus (P) is one of the most limiting nutrients in agricultural systems, P fertilisation is essential to feed the world. However, declining P reserves demand
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Exploring phosphorus fertilizers and fertilization
2020.1.8 Mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizers support high crop yields and contribute to feeding the teeming global population. However, complex edaphic processes cause P to be immobilized in soil, hampering its timely and
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A Review of the Latest in Phosphorus Fertilizer
2019.8.8 This paper provides a review of recent literature on cutting-edge phosphorus fertilizer technology. The goal is that this synthesis will be used as a starting point from which a larger discussion on responsible nutrient
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Phosphate Fertilizers: Production, Characteristics, and Technologies
2005.1.1 This chapter is written to serve both the scientific community (SI units) and fertilizer industry (non-SI units). It addresses a short history of the phosphate industry, a
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Blueprint for phosphorus efficiency - Nature Sustainability
2022.10.27 A study of historical trends in nations’ use of phosphorus fertilizers has set targets for crop yield and phosphorus-use efficiency, identifying techniques that can be used
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Phosphorus for Sustainable Development Goal target of doubling
2021.11.22 Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for life. In many tropical countries, P-fixing soils and very low historical P input limit uptake of P in crops and thus yields. This
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Introduction to Phosphate as a Fertilizer - Florida Polytechnic
Learn about the importance, availability, and environmental impacts of phosphate fertilization of soils. This web page explains the concepts of phosphorus deficiency, fixation, and depletion
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Phosphorus Fertilizer: The Original and Commercial
2018.3.12 P fertilizers are produced from either acid-treated or heat-treated rock phosphate to break the apatite bond and to increase the water soluble P content. There are many commercially available P fertilizers like
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